Page 6 - Nevada Cooperator Expo March 2019
P. 6

 —MARCH 2019  
Building Demolition 
Managing Chaos, Minimizing Disruption 
ities are crowded. That’s a simple  our clients is to start a discussion with the  
fact. In the best of circumstances,  developer and their team, so that com- 
there’s noise, dirt, dust, and the  munication begins even before ground  
usual urban pests. Add to that the con- 
struction of a new building next to or  existing building proper representation  
nearby yours, and annoyance can quickly  from an architectural or structural en- 
become overwhelming. Clearly, the own- 
er of the property under construction has  standpoint, so they can understand what  
a right to build his or her building within  the demolition, excavations, and new  
the parameters permitted by local zon- 
ing and other ordinances. But what about  their building.” 
the neighbors? What can they do to pre- 
serve their sense of peace and home amid  property approaches  the existing  neigh- 
a banging, booming and clattering pro- 
cess that can easily last months – or even  ecutive with Gumley Haft, a management  
Where to Start Before They Get  
Kathleen Strnad is an architect and  
engineer with Klein & Hoffman, a firm  
that has offices in Chicago and Philadel- 
phia. “The first thing we recommend to  
is broken,” she says. “This provides the  
gineering standpoint, as well as a legal  
foundation system’s impact might be to  
“Typically, the developer of the new  
bors,” says Sara Getlin, an account ex- 
firm in New York, “because when the de- 
molition and construction starts, it most  
often does affect adjacent properties.”  
Getlin goes on to explain that “the  
contact is made because it will affect their  
ability to proceed” with the project. “They  
want a good working relationship,” she  tent side effect of a long-term demoli- 
says. “This enables you to ask for protec- 
tive measures from them. Usually one of  “It is a factor with any construction,” says  
the first things that gets done is an agree- 
ment for access to your building, so they  of activity. In the city center you’re more  
can do an existing conditions survey. You  accustomed to noise to begin with, but in  
want that survey done, and done by a li- 
censed engineer.” The survey will produce  noise can become more noticeable. Often  
a  report  of  property  conditions  before  it comes down to what a city’s noise or- 
work starts, so that you have a baseline to  dinances are. In residential areas they are  
compare to and know if there’s been dam- 
age after the work starts. 
“These agreements are called license  through local ordinances, there’s nothing  
agreements,” says Andrew Freedland, an  you can do, because they are in compli- 
attorney specializing in co-op and condo  ance.” 
representation at Anderson Kill, a New  
York  City-based  law  firm.  “Chances  are  to deal with this is when negotiating the  
if there’s a construction project going on  licensing agreement with the developer  
next door, they’re probably going to need  for access to your property. “Make sure  
to come into your property to do some  the work hours are reasonable hours,  
portion of their work. Make sure you’re  whatever the local standard is; 7 a.m. to   
protected. Sitting down and talking face- 
to-face goes a long way.”  
While the close quarters and clashing  York, they can get a permit for work on  
priorities of other cities can make demo- 
lition/construction next door a hassle, “I  ings. Make sure you include that in your  
have not seen anything like that here,” says  agreement, so you don’t have to listen to  
Cheri A. Hauer, an attorney with Leach  construction all day on Saturdays.” 
Kern  Gruchow Anderson Song, located  
in Las Vegas and Reno, “unless some- 
thing the developer was doing was going  demolition and construction projects as  
to directly impact the association. For ex- 
ample, I had one situation a few years ago  ticulate during demolition of an existing  
where a few of the lots being graded on an  buildings developers can ‘water-down’  
adjacent property were going to alter the  the site,” says Strnad. “Basically, they  
drainage onto and over an association’s  hose down materials to capture airborne  
property, and the developer wanted to  dust. As they demolish an existing build- 
make alterations to the association’s com- 
mon  area  to  fix  potential  problems.  But  dust. They can also use fabrics to shield  
other than that, I personally have not seen  the area. Watering is the most efficient  
any of those kinds of agreements.” 
The Reality of Being the   
Next-Door Neighbor 
While efforts to protect you and your  —i.e.,  construction  work  outside  of  the  
neighbors are available and advisable, the  allowed times and dust problems—they  
reality of living next door to an active  can contact the municipality to file a  
construction  site  are  still  there.  Increas- 
es in noise, dirt, dust, vibrations, traffic,  can contact the contractor’s number that  
pests and vermin, and some level of gen- 
eral misery are kind of inevitable. In ad- 
dition to a license agreement, other plans  vada,  construction starting outside  of  
must be made to protect you and your  municipality-approved hours, and dust,  
property during the demolition and con- 
struction period. 
Perhaps the most obvious and persis- 
tion and construction project is noise.  
Strnad. “The level will depend on the type  
a more suburban setting the construction  
often stricter. If noise is produced dur- 
ing an acceptable time frame put forth  
Freedland points out that a good time  
3 p.m., or 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. And don’t agree  
to weekend work or evenings. In New  
Saturday from the Department of Build- 
Dust and Debris 
Dust and debris are as pervasive in  
noise. “To minimize dust and debris par- 
ing, they keep wetting it to minimize  
“There is not really a lot associations  
can do,” says Hauer. “If there is noise  
complaint with code enforcement, or they  
is on the sign that’s required to be placed  
on the site by the developer. Here in Ne- 
are the only things that I have seen the  
municipalities get involved in. If there is  
not sufficient dust control, then the con- 
continued on page 22  
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