Page 5 - Nevada Cooperator Winter 2020
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NEVADACOOPERATOR.COM  THE NEVADA COOPERATOR —  WINTER 2020    5  QUESTIONS & ANSWERS  Legal  Q  A&  Disclaimer: Th  e answers provided in this Q&A   column are of a general nature and cannot   substitute for professional advice regarding your   specifi c circumstances. Always seek the advice of   competent legal counsel or other qualifi ed profes-  sionals with any questions you may have regard-  ing technical or legal issues.  EVERYTHING FROM    A (ACCOUNTING SERVICES)    TO W (WINDOWS).   (Sorry, no zebra trainer this year.)  LAS VEGAS CONVENTION CENTER — WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 10–3:30    FREE REGISTRATION: LV-EXPO.COM  THE COOPERATOR  EXPO  2020  WHERE BUILDINGS MEET SERVICES  Self-Appointed Board  Q   My HOA board has not had an   election in 10 years. Th  ey keep   reappointing themselves and ap-  pointing their friends to the board when there   is a vacancy. Is this legal? How can I stop this   abuse of power by my HOA?                      —Reining in Abuse of Power  A  “No, this is not allowed under   Nevada law,” says attorney Eva   Segerblom of the Reno-based   fi rm Maddox Segerblom Canepa, “unless   the board is still declarant controlled. NRS   116.31034 requires that, at the termination   of the declarant’s control, an executive board   must be elected, and term may not exceed   three years. Although there is no limitation   on the number of terms, there still must be an   election, properly noticed and conducted. If   there is a vacancy, there must be an election.   Only if there are no candidates may the board   consider appointing someone to the board.”  Condo President and Property   Management Employee?  Q   Is  it illegal  or unethical  for the  is under contract to a company for which  of interest with respect to a matter, including,  fi nal issue has not been tested in the Nevada   board president of an association  he worked, or that such company would bid  but not limited to, the engagement of a certain  courts or in cases before the Commission for   to work for the company that man-  ages or provides community management  disclose that relationship on his candidate’s  company, he owns shares in such company, or  minium Hotels.”     services for his association? If it is okay, can  statement, or he would be violating NRS  he has family members or friends that work   the president then be involved in negotiations  116.31034.   and the signing of a new contract with the   management company? What if he causes the  the following: ‘Except as otherwise provided  and recuse himself from voting thereon. Th  e   new contract to be negotiated and signed on  in subsections 11 and 12, unless a person is  language relating to such corporate confl icts   his own?                                                 —Wondering  A  According to Michael Schul-  man, attorney with Wolf,  matter before the executive board of the asso-  Rifk  in, Shapiro, Schulman &  ciation; or (3) Th  e person, the person’s spouse  the board, may not be a board member. Th  at   Rabkin, LLP in Las Vegas, “Certain provi-  sions of Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 116,  riage or adoption, performs the duties of a  tested in court. Arguably, both sections can   the law governing common interest com-  munities in Nevada, have three sections that   are directly applicable to the facts set forth in  for a company that is going to obtain the  of interest, but not have a fi nancial interest   the above referenced question. Additionally,  management contract from the association  in something coming before the board, and   general corporate law in the state of Nevada  and such person also serves on the board, or  therefore, could remain on the board, but re-  provides law which will also govern this par-  ticular situation. Th  ere is no simple answer to  of profi t or compensation based on his em-  this question because it is technically not il-  legal or unethical for the president to work for  the statute is not 100% clear, but most people  that comes before the board, the board mem-  the company that provides community man-  agement services to his association, but there  the person concerned would be barred from  recuse himself and not vote on such matter.   are numerous provisions of the law that touch  running for the board if the company he   on this particular situation and could be read  worked for managed the association.   to preclude it.   “First, NRS 116.31034 subsection 9 pro-  vides, in pertinent part, the following: ‘Each  ber of the board cannot enter into a contract  that would be a breach of the ethical duties   person who is nominated as a candidate for  with  the association for goods or  services.  of the board member. …\[I\]f an association is   membership on the executive board ... must:  Please note that neither of the sections ref-  (a) Make a good faith eff ort to disclose any  erenced is sophisticated enough to include  for which one of its board members or offi  -  fi nancial, business, professional or personal  a prohibition against a company in which  cers works, then \[again\] the board member or   relationship  or  interest that  would  result or  the president owns shares or an interest or a  offi  cer should at least recuse himself and not   would appear to a reasonable person to result  company for which the president works be-  in a potential confl ict of interest for the can-  didate if the candidate were to be elected to  tract with the association where the company  the board member or offi  cer has to resign   serve a member of the executive board…’  “Clearly, if a candidate for the association’s   board of directors knew that the association  member of a board of directors has a confl ict  from the actual contract. As stated above, that   for the contract, the candidate would have to  company, either because he works for such  Common Interest Communities and Condo-  “NRS 116.31034 subsection 10 provides  supposed to disclose such confl ict of interest   appointed by the declarant: (a) A person may  of interest is in both NRS 116 and NRS 82.   not be a candidate for or member of the ex-  ecutive board or an offi  cer of an association  confl icts with the language of NRS 116.31034   if:... (2) Th  e person stands to gain any person-  al profi t or compensation of any kind from a  may stand to gain any personal profi t, com-  or the person’s parent or child, by blood, mar-  community manager for that association;...’   “One would assume that if a person works  in which a board member may have a confl ict   as an offi  cer, that person will gain some kind  cuse himself from voting on the specifi c issue.   ployment by the company. Th  e language of  member has a confl ict of interest in any matter   would argue that in this particular situation,  ber needs to disclose the confl ict and likely   “Th  ere is another provision in the law  with a company he works for without any   \[NRS 116.31187\] which provides that a mem-  ing similarly barred from entering into a con-  would provide management services.   “Generally, corporate law provides that if a  fi cer if he stands to receive any fi nancial gain   for such company, then the board member is   Th  e interesting part is, it arguably specifi cally   (quoted above), which states a person who   pensation from anything that comes before   confl ict between the statutes has never been   be read together and there are certain cases   “Th  e bottom line is, if any offi  cer or board   “With respect to the fi nal hypothetical of   the board member negotiating a contract   other members of the board being involved,   going to negotiate a contract with a company   participate in the vote. Th  e Nevada law may   even be interpreted someday to provide that   from his position as a board member or of-  n

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