Page 8 - CooperatorNews Las Vegas Fall 2021
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8 COOPERATORNEWS NEVADA—  FALL 2021   NEVADA.COOPERATORNEWS.COM  Steve Kohlmann is a biologist and forester   with a Ph.D. in wildlife management.  He has   extensive experience as an environmental con-  sultant throughout the western United States.   In Nevada, he says, the invasion of foreign   grasses into sagebrush communities has al-  tered the ecosystem in a way that significantly   increases the risk of wildfires. “These invasive   grasses have changed the fire regime from   every 60 years to every three to five years,”   continues Kohlmann. “Losing our natural   sagebrush has dropped a whole component   out of the ecosystem. These new grasses look   green in January, but have no value for cattle.   It’s changed the whole ecosystem.”  Kohlmann explains that these ecosystem   changes are affecting when and how fires burn.   According to him, a lot of new single and mul-  tifamily communities in the West are built at   the edges of existing residential areas—which   themselves abut native shrublands. Developers   often make decisions about landscaping based   more on attracting the eye of potential buyers   than on what’s appropriate for the native eco-  system, planting grass and trees that are more   vulnerable to drought and fire than hardier na-  tive species. Consequently, not only are many   newly built communities positioned right at   the fire front, the imported grasses and trees   surrounding them feed the fires that are hap-  pening more frequently. “Lack of management   causes tremendous fire risk,” says Kohlmann.   “These invasive grasses, the drought, and the   lack of grazing land for livestock in many ar-  eas all allow more fuel to build up around the   edges of these developments. Whole commu-  nities are burning in places where no one ever   thought about it before.”  On top of poor environmental manage-  ment, “Forests have become too dense,” Kohl-  mann continues. “Native forests had about   30 trees per acre—now we have 150 trees per   acre,” which provides still more fuel for fires.   “If you move up into the higher country where   you have juniper and conifer trees, untended   needle kill from conifers increases fire as well.”    On a more global, macro level, “Hotter   is hotter, and colder is colder,” says Howard   Zimmerman, owner and founder of New   York-based consultancy Howard Zimmerman   Architects & Engineers. He explains that these   new extremes in temperature add stress to our   building systems, reducing their useful life and   requiring more maintenance and earlier re-  placement.    Peter Varsalona, vice president and princi-  pal of New York-based RAND Engineering,   brings up yet another concern: with worsen-  ing extremes of hot and cold, existing HVAC   systems require more energy to maintain com-  fortable (or just livable) interior temperatures.   This increased energy usage in turn exacer-  bates the original problem of human-made   carbon emissions. So not only does climate   change cause more extreme conditions, but   the extreme conditions it causes require still   more energy to mediate, which in turn wors-  ens the see where this is going.   How Much Worse?  The reality is that the situation is likely to  the answers fall into three broad categories:  tainly not easy.   get worse before it gets better. Years of inac-  tion and over-politicization of the issue have  ronment-conscious choices, and appropriate  based Jomavi Contracting, observes that   given human industry the upper hand when  capital improvement planning.  it comes to impact on the planet. The United   Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate  sider two issues,” says Kohlmann. “One is that  of climate change,” he says. “Everything from   Change (IPCC) released its most recent report  of having an emergency exit plan—and how  paint, to compound, to insulation and other   on the issue on August 9, 2021. Among its so-  bering findings was that averaged over the next  isting roads are now inadequate, and  in the  friendly green standard. Green building mate-  20 years, global temperature is expected to  case of large fires, people can’t get out. No one  rials with low—or even no—embodied carbon   reach or exceed 1.5°C of warming—a rubicon  thought this through when communities were  are on the rise. These materials produce little   of sorts that climate scientists say will result in  built, and so this must be a major consideration  to no carbon or other greenhouse gases, and   increasing heat waves, longer warm seasons,  for the future. The second issue is the ‘harden-  and  shorter  cold   seasons. Accord-  ing to the press   release accompa-  nying the report’s   publication, “Un-  less there are im-  mediate,  rapid,  and  large-scale  reductions  in  greenhouse gas   emissions, limit-  ing warming to   close to 1.5°C or   even 2°C will be   beyond reach”—  and once that line   is  crossed,  many   of the more dire   consequences of   a quickly heating   planet will be un-  avoidable.    According to   the accumulat-  ing  data, chang-  ing  climate  is   already generating disastrous weather around  ing or sagging. “The thing is that we are seeing  merman, “required capital funds of a certain   the world. Glaciers are melting faster, dump-  ing huge amounts of water into the oceans and  melts,” he explains. “The footings are moving  so that money is available for major capital ex-  impacting weather patterns; hurricanes are  and there are big cracks appearing. We have to  penditures. Boards should hire architects and   getting more frequent and more ferocious; un-  precedented, torrential rains have unleashed  potentially affected property needs ongoing  as we learned from the Surfside condo collapse   historic floods in China and Europe—and  evaluation, and must be prepared to address  in Florida, reserve funds will become more   even closer to home as was seen recently when  any issues immediately. If you wait 15 years  and more critical. No board president wants to   the New York tri-state area experienced a flash  it’s not recoverable—as was demonstrated  be faced with a report that says the property   flood that caused dozens of deaths. Heat-  waves and wildfires are scorching Siberia and  ers condo\] in Surfside, Florida. Boards must  $100 in the reserve account.”    the Arctic, and laying waste to swathes of the  be proactive.  The most important step to take   Western U.S.  Zimmerman observes that an intrinsic  structure.”  problem in dealing with the impending ef-  fects  of climate  change  in  our  communities  environmental impact of residential build-  is the very structure by which our communi-  ties govern themselves. “The problem is that  the reduction of individual carbon footprints  real, and according to both the science and the   with most condo and co-op communities, the  through more efficient energy use. “Ironically,  practical advice of professionals working in the   boards are composed of volunteers, and in  rising temperatures are increasing energy use,”  field, it’s past time to start acting, rather than   some cases, those serving on boards have term  says Varsalona. “Sadly, the impact is that you  reacting. At this point, an ounce of prevention   limits. Planning of this kind is looking down  use more energy to combat the changes, which  is worth way more than a pound of cure. Start   the road 10 to 15 years—and no board wants  perpetuates the cycle. For example, steam-  to assess neighbors today for monies the build-  ing or HOA will need 15 years from now. The  we must come up with ways to update old sys-  process is too short-sighted right now.”     Countermeasures  All of this begs the question of what can we   realistically do to counter the troubling trends  nalized by the new laws.” Retreating from fos-  that are clearly coming. In the context of mul-  tifamily co-ops, condos, and HOAs, most of  like solar energy is what’s needed—but it’s cer-  emergency management, energy- and envi-  “To protect communities, we must con-  quickly you can evacuate an area.  Many ex-  ing’ of structures. This  Many projects are now one hundred percent   means we  look  at  the  green. Architects are really stepping it up as   flammability of our  well, in both how they plan a job and in ad-  building materials, and  hering to new building requirements. They are   change sidings or roofs  taking climate change seriously.”  to make them more   fire  resistant. Buildings   burn because of embers  our buildings for worsening conditions, the   falling onto the roofs or  pros say it’s critical to put capital improvement   eaves. And these embers  plans in effect now. Zimmerman stresses that   fly a half mile in front  circumstances have changed. “Saltwater rots   of a fire, spreading it so  out power lines,” he says. “We might not see   quickly it practically ex-  plodes.”  According to Philip  cold has a corrosive effect on all mechanical   Mahan, owner and  systems. We will see it in the deterioration of   president of Structural  roofs, facades,  and infrastructure  happening   Technologies Inc. in  that much sooner. We might have gotten 30   Bloomingdale, Illinois,  years from a roof before. Now we will get 20 or   regular inspections and  25 years. It’s a harsher environment—and that   evaluations of build-  ing systems are needed  This reinforces how critical it is for communi-  as well. Among other  ties to have an appropriate capital reserve plan   things, these assess-  ments should look for   structural changes like  ness practice, like guidelines for what kind   new cracks in walls, or anything that’s mov-  this rising water table and heavier rains and  percentage of value of property, for instance,   evaluate whether the building is at risk. Every  engineers to explore their vulnerabilities—and   through the tragedy \[at the Champlain Tow-  is regular monitoring of the physical plant and  now,” he says. “If you don’t start now, you will   Another major concern  is reducing the   ings. Many cities are enacting laws mandating  the political divide we find ourselves on. It’s   generated systems need more electricity—so   tems and make them more efficient. We must   start planning and retooling now, not only to   achieve our climate goals, but also to not be pe-  sil fuels to more sustainable, renewable sources   Edwin Suarez, president of New York-  changes in approach are already underway.   “In today’s construction, we are very mindful   materials have changed to fulfill a more eco-  are overall environmentally more beneficial.   The Power of Now  In  terms  of maintaining and  preparing   the effect in the short term, but over the long   term, driving rain, hotter heat, and colder   has a very real effect on the built environment.”   in place.  “There should be some kind of best busi-  of reserves must be maintained,” says Zim-  needs millions of dollars of work and they have   Varsalona concurs. “You’ve got to do it   be caught late.”   Climate change is no longer an abstract   concept to be debated based on what side of   mitigating now.         n  A J Sidransky is a staff writer/reporter for   CooperatorNews, and the author of several   published novels.   CLIMATE CHANGE...  continued from page 1  “Many existing roads   are now inadequate,   and in the case of   large fires, people   can’t get out. No one   thought this through   when communities   were built, and so   this must be a major   consideration for the   future.”     — Steve Kohlmann 

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