Page 6 - CooperatorNews Las Vegas Fall 2021
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6 COOPERATORNEWS NEVADA—  FALL 2021   NEVADA.COOPERATORNEWS.COM  herence to this duty is less clearly defined in   a residential association than it may be in   other not-for-profit organizations, because   in a residential context, every board mem-  ber presumably owns a unit, and may make   decisions based on what may benefit them,   but not their neighbor.    “While condo boards represent nonprof-  it corporations and associations, they are,   at their core, somewhat different from non-  residential nonprofits,” he says, “because the   board members are investors or owners in   the nonprofit, and their board positions car-  ry a heavy fiduciary responsibility.” An ex-  ample might be voting to permit short-term   rentals. Doing so might provide a particular   board member with additional income, but   their neighbor(s) might not want strangers   parading through the property. Both have   vested interests, but those interests might   not always align seamlessly.  The third duty incumbent upon board   members—the duty of  obedience—is  of   the most importance for co-op and condo   board members. It calls upon them to un-  derstand, fairly enforce, and personally   abide by the governing documents, policies,   and protocols of their community. “The   members of the board owe a duty to keep   within the powers of the corporation and   within those of the board of directors,” ex-  plains Davidson, adding that “the problem   is that co-op boards are very different from   other nonprofit boards in that everyone on   the board has a personal interest in every   issue. This makes them inherently more   conflict-prone.”  When it comes to upholding these three   administrative  pillars,  “successful,  func-  tional boards need persons who work in   tandem, work well as a team, are well orga-  nized, and have different areas of expertise   to offer,” says Robert Silversmith of the New   York City-based Silversmith & Associates   Law Firm, PLLC. “Boards should openly   and amicably communicate with all board   members as a collective group.”   The Reality of Condo    Community Conflict  Sheila Van Duyne is the principal of the   Van Duyne Law Group located in Reno. She   has seen many examples of factionalism in   condominium and HOA communities, and   agrees that transparency is the best way to   avoid the problem. “If you are on the board,   you have to bring people into the process.   The key is transparency, which justifies de-  cision-making and educates the ownership.   Sometimes a board may have to make deci-  sions that are unpopular with the commu-  nity; \[residents\] may hate the decision, but   the board had no other choice. They may   have been between a rock and a hard place.”  Van Duyne further  suggests that “one   approach to defusing the situation is to get   those homeowners who are dissatisfied to   get involved in the governance of the com-  munity. Get them on a committee. Let them  mon enough in Nevada, as elsewhere. The  three board members with new directors   piece together a solution to their problem  rules regulating recalls fall under the Ne-  and make a recommendation to the board.”  vada Real Estate Statutes. In some cases,  fectively. The overall effect of the change,   After all, the view may be different from the  board members may be removed through a  however,  was  to stymie  the  project  even   inside.  Howard  Goldman is  a  partner  with  ing board members may appoint a replace-  Goldman & Pease, a law firm located in  ment. Other times, the seat is left vacant  project to that point—then they announced   Needham, Massachusetts. He represents  until the next election, which is almost uni-  numerous condominium associations, and  versally held annually, so the seat won’t stay  scratch. It then took an additional three   says that factionalism happens all too eas-  ily when “there is a controlling group on the   board, and those not in agreement feel out  sachusetts. Condominium owners can call  at most. So in that case at least, the infusion   of  control  and frustrated.  Often,  those  in  a meeting of the association and demand to  of new blood into the board had quite the   the latter role feel disenfranchised, and that  hold new elections. They can air their griev-  no one is listening to them.”  Goldman says there are two potential ap-  proaches to getting controlling board mem-  bers to listen. One is to take what’s called a  fully one that’s more amenable to listening  asked him to step down—but he refused.   ‘derivative action,’ which is basically a law-  suit brought by a corporation shareholder   against the directors, management, and/or  dled a little differently (and, of course, ac-  other shareholders of the corporation for a  cording to rules set forth in a given build-  failure to uphold their duty to the corpora-  tion as a whole. In   the world of con-  dominium own-  ership,  a  deriva-  tive action can be   brought by an in-  dividual  or  group   of unit owners to   force the board   to  perform  their   fiduciary respon-  sibility  under  the community’s   governing docu-  ments.  A good ex-  ample of how and   why this approach   is used would be   when a board of   directors doesn’t want to undertake a large  remove other directors from a board,” says  of achieving that is a commitment to listen   and/or expensive project—like a major roof  Freedland. “They can only be removed by  and take others’ concerns seriously.   repair, for example—but the majority of  shareholders. But they can remove a direc-  unit owners want the work done. The deriv-  ative action would override the board’s pref-  erence and force them to act in the manner  an officer a non-officer via a vote—but that  survey the board members. How do they   desired by the community.  Andrew Freedland, an attorney with An-  derson Kill, a law firm based in New York,   agrees that there are often factions in co-op   boards and buildings. “It’s not unusual for a  just don’t jibe,” says Michele Schlossberg,  often nearly 100% agreement among board   board to have groups that side one way or  a property manager with Gumley Haft, a  members, because solutions are usually   another. What’s great about most boards is  management firm in New York City. “They  pretty simple. “If there are disagreements,”   that they are oddly numbered, having five  will nitpick each other. When you live in a  he says, “hold a discussion.  And important-  or seven or nine members, avoiding dead-  locks on votes.”  The second method of dealing with an  can become contentious.”  ineffective or unresponsive board is to re-  move and replace it—it’s a complicated pro-  cess, but it can be done. “If shareholders are  board. A contingent of shareholders was  on with it.” As Van Duyne says, and as she   unhappy with what a board is doing,” says  unhappy with how the board had handled  encourages her clients, “we’re all in this to-  Freedland, “I have seen recall elections.  the  planning  and  management  of  a large  gether. If you don’t like what’s happening,   Shareholders or unit owners can call a spe-  cial meeting as provided in their bylaws.  tems. A large group of shareholders didn’t   At that meeting board directors can be re-  moved and replaced.”  Van Duyne says recall elections are com-  meeting of the ownership, and the remain-  vacant for long.  Goldman says the same is true in Mas-  ances and hold a vote. If a majority of own-  ers vote to remove the board, a new election  a board where the president was suspected   is held and a new board is elected—hope-  to what the unit owners want.  Actions within the board itself are han-  ing’s or HOA’s governing documents).    Freedland  says  he  often  gets  questions  from  directors  about  removing other  between the two opposing groups, whether   directors.  And  while  the  chain  board. “People want to be heard,” she says,   of  events  and  and recommends that at the first board   emotions  that  would lead to  helpful to simply ask the minority what it   that level of in-  fighting  might  be  complex,  the  board. It’s also crucial to understand what   answer  to  the  the shareholders want, and to remember   question of board  that the board is there to govern everyone—  members giving  not to champion pet projects or to stick it to   a particular col-  league the boot is  opinions or priorities. Put simply, “The goal   straightforward:  is to create a cohesive board,” says Schloss-  “Directors can’t  berg, and the most important component   tor from a specific position, say, president  “Identify solutions to each conflict,” he says.    or secretary.” So board members can make  “Create rules for decision making. Then   doesn’t remove the board member from the  rank the suggested solutions, ranging from   board entirely.  Real Life Examples  “Conflict  can  happen  because  people  points out that in his experience, there is   condo or co-op, you have to realize you live  ly, acknowledge areas of conflict to work to-  in a community, and when people don’t it  ward a common solution. Once you have   Schlossberg describes a situation in one   community where there was a ‘coup’ on the  sue,” says Freedland. “Work it out and get   project to replace one of the building sys-  feel they were being heard by the existing   board, so they called for an election, collect-  ed a large number of proxies, and replaced   they felt would helm the project more ef-  further. The new board members wanted to   examine every document involved with the   they wanted to start the project over from   years—for a total of five—to complete a   project that should have taken a year or two   opposite of the desired effect.   In another situation, Schlossberg recalls   of dishonest dealing. The rest of the board   Ultimately, the co-op had to call a special   meeting, and the president was removed   from both his position and the board as a   whole by a vote of the shareholders.    What Can a Manager Do?  Schlossberg suggests that the best way to   handle conflicts among board members—  or among warring resident factions—is to   try to arrive at some sort of reconciliation   that’s in the community as a whole or on the   meeting after an election, it’s often very   is they want to see—what kind of changes   they’re looking to effect by joining the   anyone who doesn’t necessarily share one’s   Davidson shares a similar approach.   ‘strongly agree’ to ‘strongly disagree’?  Pro-  duce a summary of the results.” Davidson   rules of the road, you can manage conflict.”  “Dissention shouldn’t permeate every is-  run for the board and change it.”                  n  A J Sidransky is a staff writer/reporter with   CooperatorNews, and a published novelist.   MANAGING CONFLICT  continued from page 1  “If you are on the   board, you have to bring   people into the process.   The key is transparency,   which justifies decision-  making and educates the   ownership.”    — Sheila Van Duyne

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