Page 20 - Nevada Cooperator Expo March 2019
P. 20

 —MARCH 2019  
n Tuesday, March 26,  from 10 a.m.  members have to their communities. These are  
to 3:30 p.m., the Rio All-Suite Hotel  people who really care about their associations  
and Casino in Las Vegas will play  and making them the best they can be, and  
host to the first annual Cooperator Expo Las  we’re honored to support that commitment  
Vegas, a unique event tailor-made for anyone  here in Las Vegas.”  
and everyone involved in the condo, HOA  
and community association industry, includ- 
ing members, managers, and decision-makers  everything from landscaping to legal servic- 
from across the state. Whether you’ve just tak- 
en a seat on your condo board or are a veteran  feature a full roster of educational seminars,  
association leader, The Cooperator Expo is a  product  demos,  free advice  booths, and  an  
must-attend event where you can learn about  in-house food court offering light meals and  
the latest products and services from over 200  snacks. It’s also an opportunity to meet and  
exhibitors, attend educational seminars, net- 
work with your peers, and get free advice from  sociation administrators, compare notes, and  
industry experts. And did we mention that it’s  network.  
FREE to attend?  
For nearly three decades,  
The Cooperato 
r  President and Director of Sales, the company’s  
family of publications has been informing,  Expo events  –  including the  upcoming one  
educating and supporting board members,  in Vegas – “are really in a class of their own.  
community managers, and residents across  They’re one-stop, all-bases-covered, soup-to- 
the country, delivering invaluable news and  nuts productions that I think allow attendees  
information both online and in print, as well  to really maximize their time at the shows.”  
as hosting key trade events that routinely draw  
thousands of attendees. Now it’s Vegas’ turn,  
and we couldn’t be more excited.   
“We’ve been putting on these events for a  roster of free educational seminars at every  
long time,” says Yale Robbins, President of Yale  event. Good communication, organization,  
Robbins Inc. (YRInc.), and publisher of  
Nevada Cooperator 
, “and I’m very excited to  cial to maintaining thriving, successful com- 
offer this Expo as a really useful resource for  munities, and smart boards and managers  
Nevada’s association residents and managers.  know that. The Expo offers attendees the op- 
In all the markets we serve, I’m consistently  portunity to hone those skills, in one day and  the ‘Squatter Bill’ — went into effect in Octo- 
impressed with the industry’s innovations and  under one roof, with a full slate of unique edu- 
advancements from year to year – not to men- 
tion the commitment our managers and board  hour-long panel presentations cover topics  about what the law says, how the Las Vegas  at the show!  
A One-Stop Shop 
Along with all the exhibitors representing  
es, The Cooperator Expo Las Vegas will also  
interact with hundreds of managers and as- 
According to Henry Robbins, YRInc.’s Vice  
Get Educated 
Along with the exhibitors, one of the big- 
gest draws to The Cooperator Expos is the full  
and interpersonal skills have always been cru- 
cational programming. These always-popular  ized use of vacant homes. Come learn more  sino – either way, admission is FREE! See you  
ranging from energy conservation to legal is- 
sues,  board  operations  to  effective  property  how your community can work with law  
management, and the ins and outs of financial  enforcement to eliminate unauthorized oc- 
oversight. Seminar presenters include profes- 
sionals from all corners of the industry, includ- 
ing attorneys, lending representatives, accoun- 
tants, managers, consultants, and more. 
The inaugural Cooperator Expo Las Vegas  
will feature the following free seminars – sev- 
eral of which offer continuing education cred- 
White Collar Crime in the HOA: Pre- 
venting Fraud and Embezzlement 
Presented by: Mutual of Omaha Bank 
10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m., Room 1 
All management company owners, com- 
munity managers, and HOA board members  an accurate, legally-sound reflection of where  
need to be aware of the threat of fraud and em- 
bezzlement, and how to protect their company  
or community from the damage they cause.  
It happens more often than you would like to  
think — but fortunately, the more you under- 
stand about financial malfeasance, the easier it  
is to recognize the signs and take steps to keep  effectively it can govern. Join us for a 1-hour  
your company or HOA’s financial assets se- 
cure. Come learn about risk factors, red flags,  lections, the assessment lien process, super pri- 
and next steps if you find yourself the victim of  ority and bankruptcy issues faced by Nevada  
financial fraud. (CE.0350000-CAM) 
Dealing With the Difficult: Avoiding and  
Resolving Conflicts 
Presented by: The Nevada Cooperator 
11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., Room 2 
Even the most harmonious, well-managed  will also offer free advice booths, staffed with  
community  occasionally  experiences  con- 
flicts. Come learn how to handle disputes with  tries. If you have questions about your asso- 
boards and board members, owners, renters  ciation’s finances, policies, or day-to-day man- 
and staff. Learn how to navigate through fi- 
nancial difficulties as well as effectively man- 
aging projects and dealing with vendors. Man- 
agement and legal experts will give tips on how  penny for your thoughts, and it won’t cost you  
to competently avoid escalation and litigation.  a dime!  
Mediation, arbitration, and other alternative  
dispute resolution strategies will be covered,  tors about the products and services that are  
as well as drafting fair, enforceable community  essential to every community’s success, from  
Squatters & the HOA: How Can Our Po- 
lice Department Help & What Can We Pro- 
actively Do? 
Presented by: Wolf, Rifkin, Shapiro, Schul- 
man & Rabkin LLP 
12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m., Room 1 
Nevada Assembly Bill (AB) 386 — a.k.a.,  tor list, and to register in advance for the show,  
ber of 2017 to address the issue of unauthor- 
police department helped get it passed, and  
cupancy in your condo or HOA community.  
Time for a Change: Amending Your Gov- 
erning Documents 
Presented by: The Nevada Cooperator 
1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m., Room 2 
Just like people, communities grow and  
change over time — which means that the  
governing documents that worked beautifully  
10 or 15 years ago may no longer be a good fit  
for your building or HOA. Come find out how  
to go about updating, amending and modern- 
izing your foundational documents so they’re  
your community is today. 
Let’s Talk Money — Assessments, Liens,  
Foreclosure, Bankruptcy and Superpriority 
Presented by: HOA Collections LLC 
2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m., Room 1 
The better informed your board is, the more  
general credit class going into the details of col- 
homeowner associations. (CE.0330000-CAM) 
A (Free) Piece of Advice 
Exhibitor booths and a full schedule of  
seminars may be the big draws to the Expo,  
but there’s so much more going on. The show  
seasoned professionals from an array of indus- 
agement, you can stop by one of the booths  
for answers from leading legal, management,  
maintenance and financial pros. You can get a  
And you’ll have a full day to talk to exhibi- 
paving to painting, and parking to pest con- 
trol. If your board or association has been suf- 
fering from bedbug infestations, a leaky roof  
or watching utility bills skyrocket, the exhibit  
hall aisles will be your path to answers and po- 
tential savings.  
For more information, floor plans, exhibi- 
visit You can also register  
the day-of at the Rio All-Suite Hotel and Ca- 
The Cooperator Expo Las Vegas 
A One-Day, One-of-a-Kind Opportunity 
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