Q. At my condo board’s annual meeting the board refused to hold elections because there was not a quorum of unit owners present, so the board appointed themselves for another year. I am told they have been doing this for years. What can b…

Q. At my condo board’s annual meeting the board refused to hold elections because there was not a quorum of unit owners present, so the board appointed themselves for another year. I am told they have been doing this for years. What can b…
Q. My question is in regards to a verbally abusive homeowner that attends meetings to yell at and berate the board members. I, the board president, was singled out and yelled at during our last meeting and it’s really scary. Some of his i…
Q. At my condo board’s annual meeting the board refused to hold elections because there was not a quorum of unit owners present, so the board appointed themselves for another year. I am told they have been doing this for years. What can b…
Q. At my condo board’s annual meeting the board refused to hold elections because there was not a quorum of unit owners present, so the board appointed themselves for another year. I am told they have been doing this for years. What can b…
Q. We are a small condo association of 12 units. Our president is very unliked. She went after a unit owner with a vengeance over a $25 fine, got an attorney, and cost us owners over $6,000 in legal fees so far. How do we legally remove h…
Q. I live in a condo and my neighbor downstairs from me is constantly smoking. I brought it to the attention of management and nothing has been done. What are my options as an owner: do I bring legal action against management or do I tak…
Q. I own a condo that I sublet to a renter. Recently, the apartment flooded twice: once when the renter, who is ill, had left the water on by mistake. The second time seems due to plumbing issues that I am responsible for, and which are b…
Q. I am a fairly new resident in a 55-and-up community. My board—mainly the president, who has re-elected herself for the past 18+ years—has a history of abuse of power, intimidation of residents, overreach, and possibly financial impropr…
Q. We are a small condo association of 12 units. Our president is very unliked. She went after a unit owner with a vengeance over a $25 fine, got an attorney, and cost us owners over $6,000 in legal fees so far. How do we legally remove h…
Q. Is it illegal or unethical for the board president of an association to work for the company that manages or provides community management services for his association? If it is okay, can the president then be involved in negotiations …