The coronavirus outbreak has highlighted the tension between the rights of the community and the rights of individuals. For now, governments are relying on their inherent police power to protect the community at large. Centers for Disease C…

The coronavirus outbreak has highlighted the tension between the rights of the community and the rights of individuals. For now, governments are relying on their inherent police power to protect the community at large. Centers for Disease C…
One of the unique aspects of life in a condo community is that a building or HOA is in many ways a microcosm of the larger world outside. It can suffer from the same factionalism and partisan bickering as any political entity, only on a muc…
An individual’s interest in their community association is rarely just financial; in most cases, a building or HOA is also that individual’s home—and as such they’re motivated to contribute to its quality of life, neighborhood congeniality,…
In a community association, it falls on the board to put out any fires that ignite among the property’s residents. But what happens when that blaze springs up between the board members themselves? Those who volunteer to serve on their com…
Community association and co-op boards typically consist of elected volunteers whose job is to serve the best interests of the community in day-to-day decisions both big and small. In an ideal world, every board would live and die by its fi…
A democracy fares best when its governing bodies are proportionally representative of its constituents – regardless of scale. Much like federal, state and local governments, community association and condo boards are democratically-elected …
Whether you serve on the board of a community or homeowners’ association or that of a condo building, chances are that you and your fellow members are volunteers. Perhaps you’re fortunate enough to have a board member on your team with prof…
Maybe it was a bad day at work, the dog had an accident on the carpet, or a disgruntled call was received from the school principal. Whatever the reason, there are times when the last thing a condo association board member or resident wants…
A community association or HOA is only as strong as its board. This is the elected body that will make all of the official decisions on behalf of residents – for a while, at least. Ideally, this term will fly by, as a benevolent and harmoni…
The beating heart of a community association or HOA is the board of directors. According to, the role of that body is as follows: “The association has responsibility for its common elements as well as the management and…